Welcome, we’re so glad you’re here.
Real talk: I bought the domain for Clic back in 2018. Here we are in 2021 and I can finally say it, so here goes: “Hello and welcome to Clic.” This concept is the result of over five years experience of working with brands through content curation and imagery deliverables specifically that equips me to now offer that to you. My past blog, okay, and business school taught me everything.
Before we dive in, I am Christina, founder of Clic and creative concept enthusiast. Also, I have an obsession with client experience and how to effectively deliver interactions with brands that breed loyalty. The two can’t live independently — creative concepts through visual and written digital assets must live up to the experience your client actually has once they interact — to cultivate real community. Without one, or the other — it’s moot.
The Problem:
In my opinion, there are two camps: (1) brands either look good online, but fail to follow through when it matters, (2) or brands that deliver stellar service but lack an online presence that really works for them. That’s our goal: to help your brand speak to a niche group and then deliver notable interactions that do one thing… make them tell their friends. It’s actually astoundingly simple. But so many brands and businesses (large + small) totally miss the mark.
The Solution:
Enter: Clic. I’ve worked with brands large + small on campaigns and coordinated imagery giving me a unique agency viewpoint of what’s expected for major partnerships into today’s digitally driven climate. I understand influence, and I believe it should be in the hands of the brand or business itself. The narrative and reach need to come from the source. So, that’s what we will do together. Ensure that the communications (both visually + written), reach and retain the right people, to cultivate loyalty and eventually community around your brand. To do just that we offer a meshed suite of services that will enable you to start talking to the right people and deliver delight too.
This concept has been on my mind for the past five years and I am here to put it into action for you. If you’re seeking clarity in your client, content curation that works, visual assets that equip you to show up — all with the goal of serving your people better — we’re the agency for you. Rooted in client experience, everything else falls into place.
If you’re interested in learning more about how we can do this for you — pop over here to read more about our services. Or if you’re like, ‘I am ready to get started now,’ email us at hello@cliccomm.com. We’re excited to connect with you! More than you know.